If there was one thing of which Poirot was tolerably certain, it was that to a temperament such as Mirelle's the mere word "wait" was anathema.
"As regards the success of the diggers, it is tolerably certain the majority are doing well, and few making less than half an ounce per man per day."
"But yet," he continued, after a pause, "one thing is tolerably certain: on the 15th, six days ago, someone was alive to write it."
But I cannot feel assured that I actually slept during that time, although I am tolerably certain that I was not awake.
"I am tolerably certain you will not see any spirits on watch, Mr. Tripp, unless you have concealed some in your coat pocket," Laurence said, dryly.
I will not say that our thanks were effusive, because we felt tolerably certain that he could have sent us aboard there and then.
Strange had no notion how deep the water might be just here, but he was tolerably certain that it was deep enough to drown in.
That's tolerably certain," replied Conseil, quietly; "I think they will make fun of you, sir.
With base opportunism he had selected a moment when he felt tolerably certain that he had a good chance of getting away with his statement.
It seems to be tolerably certain that at a later period he made a clean breast to the emperor Francis II.