Though none of the gaudiest, it was tolerably clean, and Martin felt very glad and grateful when he crept into it, for warmth, rest, and forgetfulness.
Inside, the cubicle was tolerably clean.
It was tolerably clean, cheap, and devoid of luxuries-the sort of place that hosted couriers, scholars, scribes, attendants, and lesser functionaries rather than the better classes of businessfolk.
There were a good many more than seven cats underfoot as he entered, but the place was tolerably clean, and the landlord asked no more than the usual number of questions.
It contained about fifty houses, tolerably clean, and disposed with geometrical regularity.
If we kept ourselves tolerably clean, and refrained from quarrelling or talking slang, Aunt Olivia did not worry us.
At least the curtains at number six's windows looked tolerably clean.
The streets are old and very narrow, but tolerably clean, and shaded by awnings stretched from house to house.
This was tolerably clean; the room where he relaxed and read and studied and fondled his objects.
When Nestor felt tolerably clean again he went back into the temple.