Through the generosity of the Abraham & Steinberg families, hundreds of people have been exposed to their Jewish heritage in an exciting, tolerant environment.
This led to Protestant emigration in search of a more tolerant environment.
Although Canada at first provided a more tolerant religious environment than the Russian Empire, conflict soon developed, most importantly over the schooling of children and registration.
But creative-class workers, Mr. Florida says, are more particular: they choose cities for their tolerant environments and diverse populations as well as good jobs.
Corporate comedians are more likely to surface in the less structured and more tolerant environments of small, entrepreneurial organizations than in larger institutions.
And the character Ayshe would not have had to keep her ethnic identity a secret for 50 years if she had lived in a tolerant environment.
You need a tolerant environment that acts as an incubator, and in Westchester there's a more traditional way of thinking.
I want Israel to live in the Western world, and that means an open and tolerant environment.
In this more tolerant environment several newspapers representing different shades of opinion have already sprung up, especially in the urban areas.
They must provide a tolerant environment for talents and technology (Richard Florida) to attract and retain these international population groups.