By tolerating their defiance and unrelenting brutality, we have empowered Haiti's military thugs.
Federal prosecutors are looking into whether the department has fostered a climate that tolerates brutality.
Federal prosecutors are looking into whether the department, in failing to punish officers accused of brutality, has fostered a climate that tolerates brutality.
"It was meant to show we will no longer tolerate such treatment or such brutality," Ms. Moses said.
As Justice Brandveen vowed to send a message with his sentence that the city would not tolerate wanton brutality, the courtroom was nearly filled with spectators.
A recent report said the Police Department tolerated brutality and racism and urged new leadership.
The commission's report found that the department had tolerated racism and brutality and urged the beginning of a "transition" to new leadership.
They will no longer tolerate such brutality.
Ball later described Diem as "an offense to America" and said that his government should not tolerate "such brutality and crass disregard of world sensitivities".
In all, Mr. Livoti has been the subject of a dozen brutality complaints, leading community leaders to suggest that the police tolerate brutality because it is largely confined to poor neighborhoods.