This court will not tolerate disrespect.
'I will not tolerate disrespect!'
"Elaine is not the kind of woman who would passively tolerate disrespect."
He didn't, and so far you have no record here, but I warn you-I will not tolerate disrespect for the civil government of the Familias Regnant.
I cannot tolerate such disrespect for the generous benefactors of this institution.
"I do not think my father tolerated such disrespect."
Then George says no boss can tolerate such disrespect, and fires the man.
Crawford was also known for his refusal to tolerate disrespect or defiance in any form.
Furthermore, I will not tolerate such disrespect of your mother, least of all from you.
They think of him as a muzhik, a real man, someone who will not tolerate disrespect.