Villagers residing in Kampong Rasau can obtain a special permit to waive toll payment across the Rasau Bridge.
The authority, which has bonding authority backed by toll payments, would ultimately finance the expansion project.
It was financed by toll payments from traffic over the Vrengen Bridge.
The dedicated link for toll payments has broken down on several occasions and users have threatened legal action.
The automated toll payment service Via Verde is also operated by SIBS.
Customers receive an itemized list of each toll payment by mail each month.
Traffic cameras are another common sensor type, and the RFID tags used for electronic toll payment can be tracked to provide data.
Purposely evading toll payment.
Electronic toll payment (class 1), Prepaid account cards (class 2/3)
Unlike by OGS, which allows the motorist a 20% discount, KGS card requires full toll payment except for motorcyclists.