It takes one to two weeks for tomato seeds to germinate (they love bottom heat, of about 75 degrees).
That would put the tomato seed starting time somewhere in late March to early April.
About 10 years ago, the gardeners started with about 125 tomato seeds; now they have a quarter million.
You've still got your other tomato seeds tomorrow ain't you?
But this week would be a perfect time to start tomato seed indoors.
In a matter of weeks, a tomato seed turns into a plant, then a fruit, and later there are seeds again.
You have enough tomato seeds to start an experimental farm.
The dark red, almost black meat was entirely limp and now held tomato seeds in its valleys.
Also start tomato seed now (about five to seven weeks before the last frost date).
"Acting with her," he remarked, "is like trying to bite down on a tomato seed."