The trucks, which carried a 2.5 ton load (and for that reason were also known as "deuce-and-a-halfs") were "new."
The mine was connected to the port by a railway, which carried 2000 ton loads.
Previously used roller bearings would last about 2 months under the generator's 220 ton load, but the Kingsbury bearing has been in use since 1912.
The powered trailer had tracks 40" wide, its own engine, and could carry a five ton load through muskeg.
Meanwhile, Sabina faces a ton load full of pressing threats-with only magic by her side; will she be able to overcome them?
After being reinforced, it was able to carry 300 ton loads up and down the Nile River.
L 1150 was able to better the performance of the famed S class Pacific in hauling a 600 ton load up the 1 in 50 gradient of Glenroy Bank.
The Super Haas is supposed to generate 260 kN of traction at launch and can place a 2.6 metric ton load into low earth orbit.
This was in 1959 and was shipped in two 10 ton loads.
The TG200 was an 8x4 heavy-hauler, capable of handling 200 ton loads.