The average person in Connecticut produces about 0.8 tons of trash per year, or 3.2 tons for a family of four.
The plant would be able to process 200 tons of recyclables daily in a normal eight-hour shift, or 52,000 tons yearly.
The region also produced 76,100 tons of meat, 363,400 tons of milk and 241,900,000 eggs.
The region also produced 156,900 tons of meat, 738,500 tons of milk and 855,2 million eggs.
In 2001, more than 9,300 tons of apples and 2,494 tons of pears were produced by local growers.
The region also produced 108,700 tons of meat, 517,800 tons of milk and 295,300,000 eggs.
She carried 400 tons of cargo (hold door) or 450 tons (plaque).
The city's medical officer reported that inhabitants produced approximately 170 tons of excrement each day, or over 215,000 tons per year.
The output of iron increased from the 4,893 tons of 1843 to 29,828 tons in 1858.
Around 687,121 tons of apples and 345,296 tons of pears were exported in 2008.