About halfway through his career, Beethoven began to experiment with other tonal relationships between the tonic and the second subject group.
Modulation through the circle of fifths in the reverse direction inverts classical tonal relationships, but does not abandon them.
Whenever two or more notes are put together, a harmonic and therefore 'tonal' relationship is created, be it simple or complex.
As 20th-century composers go, his devotion to the classical forms, not to mention tonal relationships, was unusual.
In 1912, he wrote, "With alteration the fourth-chord never need belong to tonal harmony, but can be free of all tonal relationships."
Its tonal relationships are comparable to the Western music C major scale.
By this time, Agnew was already writing "strikingly original works" which abandoned "the limitations of key and tonal relationship".
Her style is distinguished soft plastic, restrained decorative color, and exquisite tonal relationships.
Research into music cognition has demonstrated that the human brain uses a "chart of the regions" to process tonal relationships.
This movement, in G-sharp minor, has the same tonal relationship to the third movement as the second has to the first.