Most of Hine's surviving prints from the early decades of the century are beat up and flat in tonal scale.
The etching progresses through the tonal scale from dark to light as the plate is moved to successively more dilute baths of ferric chloride.
Frets are placed at specific locations along the fretboard, with each fret representing one half step in the Western tonal scale.
But that screen cannot transcend the typical laptop limitations, including limited brightness and tonal scale.
From 1961 to 1964 she worked with the contrast of black and white, occasionally introducing tonal scales of grey.
Then he reworked the passage to what he called a tonal scale.
There is also a sense of tonal scales in the graduated color nuances achieved by combining layers of different, rather mesmerizing glazes.
Look for the nearby stone stairs, carved to imitate the Chinese tonal scale when stomped on.
First, a tonal scale is printed out on the transparency film and this is used to create a print using whatever process is being tested.
To get into the show, he made singers sing the entire tonal scale.