The Peccatte bow is one, but not the only, ideal compromise in terms of tone production and handling.
There was also an unevenness to his tone production, an often strained top and some stiff phrasings that didn't let the character breathe.
Students typically receive instruction in proper posture, hand position, embouchure, tone production, and reed making.
Schubert and Schumann, meanwhile, took on a purity that is often denied them by more complicated tone production.
Colorless tone production in early music never made sense to me, although one regularly heard it from specialist ensembles a generation ago.
A more concrete complaint is that the singer often turned to a rather nasal, brassy tone production in the lower range.
All three of these methods of tone production can be found in Renaissance instruments.
When pressed, he allowed that, yes, tone production has something to do with Romantic style.
Particularly close attention is placed on tone production in classical guitar playing, although most of their techniques are applicable to other styles.
The actual method of tone production varies from one model to another: