Downing Street also issued a tongue-in-cheek statement tonight.
Several publications suggest that the Iraq War is a neocolonialism war to make Iraq the 51st state, usually a tongue-in-cheek statement.
The channel cut straight to a shot of Gutfeld, who said, "Thanks, Glenn," followed with a tongue-in-cheek statement, bromide, or complaint such as "...and don't wait up for me."
The site's general consensus was a tongue-in-cheek statement, "The best movie to star both the King and JFK."
The researcher, Klaus Kjøller, who is well known for tongue-in-cheek statements, accused IKEA of imperialism.
On July 18, 2006, Manilow released a tongue-in-cheek statement saying that the youths might like his music.
On occasion, an outburst of extraordinary tongue-in-cheek statements leap from the page, few of which reached curtain up.
Downing Street issued a tongue-in-cheek statement last night on the subject, saying.
Bublé described the song as being about his "tongue-in-cheek statement on the culture of celebrity," saying "People will do anything for their 15 minutes, and you have to remember who you are and why you wanted it.
This tongue-in-cheek statement turns out to be untrue, however; one example is a documented 8-to-6 defeat in 1893 of the York Collegiate Institute football team by York High School.