He also read an essay, written after the poems were completed, describing their theoretical basis in retrospect; this essay was published as an introduction to the collection, with the tongue-in-cheek title "Extremely Interesting Preface."
On a friend's suggestion, he sent the manuscript to an agent, with "Booty Nomad" as a temporary and somewhat tongue-in-cheek title.
Finally, Mr. Holzman offered Eric Moe's "Three Ways to Relieve Tension," with a tongue-in-cheek title for a piece that revels in tangled complexity.
In 2010, they launched there first full length album 'Greatest Hits', a tongue-in-cheek title for the then-newcomers, which propelled the trio to even further international acclaim.
As its tongue-in-cheek title suggests, "T. Rex and the Crater of Doom" gets the facts across in a lighthearted, almost playful manner.
Vzorný kinematograf Haška Jaroslava - 1955 (An Exemplary Cinematograph of Jaroslav Hašek; a tongue-in-cheek title)
A collection of outtakes from the Forget Yourself sessions followed soon after, with the tongue-in-cheek title Beside Yourself.
For example, the commercial shows vignettes with tongue-in-cheek titles: "Peeling Fruit," for a tot removing his T-shirt; "Wild Fruit," for a man romping with his dog in a field.
The remaining outlet for sardonic jokiness is the show's presumably tongue-in-cheek title: "Painter of Light."
The title was changed to Beaucoup Fish ("beaucoup" being French for "much"), on the basis that the tongue-in-cheek title would be incomprehensible to listeners outside of the United Kingdom.