Cerryl brushed his thin and too-long hair back off his forehead again.
The same familiar figure, untidily dressed, with too-long hair and a hang-dog look about him.
His head clearer, he studies the child again, the too-long lank brown hair and the narrow face so like his sister's.
He was an underfed-looking specimen with too-long hair and too-loud clothes.
How many middle-aged businessmen with too-long hair, a beard and a preference for chunky sweaters can make that claim?
Her left hand curved around the nape of his neck under his too-long hair.
With his long frame, pajamas, and too-long hair, he looks incongruous in the luxurious chair into which he folds himself.
Yes, even to the puppyish hands and feet, the serenely sensual face, the tousled, too-long hair.
I smeared a forearm against my forehead beneath a shock of too-long hair.
Down a bottle of vitamins to get some luster back in her too-long, too-dirty blond hair.