Without something to gnaw on, they become violent because of the pain and inconvenience the unwieldy growing teeth cause.
These teeth frequently cause damage to the great white's digestive tract, often resulting in death from infection and blood loss.
A loose permanent tooth can cause problems.
Equally certain is that there are cases where wolf teeth do cause significant problems to horses because of their interaction with the bit.
An infected tooth that has not received appropriate dental care can cause a dental abscess to form.
The teeth apparently cause rapid healing of the two's injuries.
Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be.
The teeth will not fall out, the remaining teeth or roots can get infected and cause big problems.
The new tooth had caused his nose to run, and he couldn't breathe well.
His tooth caused him to lisp a little although he was fluent in several languages.