This is done by taking a blank gear and rotating a cutter, with the desired tooth pattern, around its periphery.
Early saws had a plain tooth pattern until the M tooth pattern was developed in 15th century south Germany.
The great raptor, the pedestal on which it perched decorated with a shark's tooth pattern, adorned the banisters of the main staircase.
Antemus is thought to come directly from Potwarmus, which has a more primitive tooth pattern.
The name does however linger as a handy reference for the early amphibian tetrapods, and as an apt anatomical description of their distinct tooth pattern.
A bite mark on Payant's chest also matched Smith's tooth pattern.
Equip a basic tool kit with one of the new 15-inch handsaws having a so-called aggressive tooth pattern.
However, the "tooth" pattern of pseudotooth birds changed along the length of the beak, and is not considered a very reliable way to distinguish genera.
Although most dovetail saw teeth are set for cross-cutting, a rip saw tooth pattern is more efficient.
The scientists found that it had tooth patterns that are characteristic of both rodents and lagomorphs.