Her teeth hadn't revealed anything.
Occasionally a tooth or wedge of jawbone revealed the remains to be those of men and phagors.
Professor Bea's engineering training has taught him that a few moments spent pressing clay between his tongue and teeth quickly reveals the presence of silt or sand.
The teeth revealed in the smile were white and straight.
In sharp contrast to the eyes an aquiline nose and bright, white teeth in a half-open mouth reveal anger and vitality.
Using chimpanzee maturation as a guide, they said the teeth revealed that at the time of death the Otavipithecus was a young adult about 10 years old.
Corpses, with gray and blue skin, metal eyes, and grinning teeth revealed by cracked and rotting lips.
Crawford's crooked teeth revealed his pleasure.
Four-thousand-year-old human teeth from Thailand have revealed that local men feasted on exotic foods, while women subsisted on bland local fare.
False teeth, very white, revealed through open mouth.