Walked a whole hot mile before he got a ride from a farm truck driven by a toothless old man who didn't talk much.
I stared down at the old, toothless, bearded man sleeping on the stones.
"Remember when that huge, homeless, toothless man you brought in hugged you?"
An old man, near toothless, sat cross-legged on a high rock.
The original Nathan's is across the way, and as we walk toward a small candy shop, a toothless man begs for money.
We asked a toothless man on a backhoe working out front what it was.
His prime subject was "an old toothless man, with a thin face."
Behind her, through an open window of the music room, candlelight showed a toothless old man praying on his knees.
"You sound like a toothless old man too long in his cups!"
They did not say good-bye to the toothless man who had drawn up a chair and was sitting next to the bed.