Given the narrow nature of the Syrian dictatorship, the guilty parties most likely include his top political associates, probably even members of his own family.
Bongo won the election, according to official results, and it was anticipated that Mapangou would be one of his top associates as President.
Mr. Hussein and his three top associates were not there to hear the testimony.
The company has said that $32 million in such payments were made to Lord Black and several top associates.
It is the first of what may be dozens of trials for the former ruler and his top associates.
His whereabouts are said to be unknown, though the police have said they arrested several of his top associates.
Best and his company's top associates were among those who donated to Landrieu's campaign.
Finding Saddam Hussein and his top associates will be difficult.
In scaling back the television operations, the company kept the chief operating officer, Eric Tannenbaum, and several top associates.
When the latter refused the offer, he and his top associates were shot dead.