In 1926 he turned professional and by then was a top German cyclist.
It was a 900-mile race lasting 9 days with a field of top European cyclists.
The hi-tech stationary bike has been a big hit with top British cyclists.
The top cyclist in each of the three semifinals advanced to the final, guaranteeing himself a medal.
His goal, at the age of 36, is to finish the daunting route in six weeks, twice the time required by the world's top cyclists.
He invited top cyclists of the time to test the course in the 1907 edition of the race.
The doctor is making him confident he's the top cyclist.
The series showcases various top cyclists, both British and other international riders, regularly attracting a large number of spectators.
Only the very top cyclists were in the final held in Sydney.
It is a regular fixture for most of North America's top cyclists and teams.