The distances in quality between my 10 top favorites were tiny, but were a degree greater among the remaining 7.
Chatgaiya songs are one of the top local favorites.
Dion was the top favorite, with 23.7% of the vote.
Iagorashvili emerged as one of the top favorites to win the women's modern pentathlon in the early 2000's.
Carew and Fingers, in their first year of eligibility, are top favorites for election.
Curiously, every single story was ranked as the top favorite by a substantial group of fans, and some were blockbusters.
He would have been one of the top favorites at the world championships 2007 but Cuba didn't participate.
Iagorashvili emerged as the top favorite to win the men's individual and team modern pentathlon in the late 1980's.
Among products priced from $1,600 to $2,000 each, the top favorites were storm windows, security systems and whirlpool baths.
Four years later at the London games he was one of the top favorites for gold in the K-1 event.