Levine was once a top Republican fund-raiser who had switched loyalty in recent years.
Who will replace him as his party's top fund-raiser, though, is a serious question for Democrats here.
"It's total desperation," said one top Democratic fund-raiser who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
In every presidential primary season since 1976, the top fund-raiser was a Republican.
He was one of the top national fund-raisers for President Clinton's re-election campaign.
In Presidential terms, many of the party's top fund-raisers thought the same.
Some of Bush's top fund-raisers are contributing to Obama's campaign.
More to the point, he is a top Democratic fund-raiser and therefore a potentially key player in the 1988 contest.
She was the top fund-raiser among cabinet officials for the midterm elections.
The campaign is also drawing on top fund-raisers for other Democratic candidates whose campaigns have ended.