Just be sure to remove a proportional amount of top growth, and to do it in late spring, after the weather warms.
They learned that rather than stimulate the top growth, it was important to work below ground and spur the plants' root systems.
Mechanically removing top growth from this plant will not usually eradicate it.
I have seen and heard advice that it is easier to cut the top growth out of the way first before budding.
Even though there there is no top growth at this time of year, the root systems are busy getting a grip.
However, this plant will not survive repeated destruction of its top growth indefinitely.
Too many leaves on the lawn will inhibit top growth and root development.
The roots must grow fast to support top growth.
Since the plants are settling down for the long dormant period, top growth is not essential now.
Don't cut back verbena now, it's more likely to survive if left with top growth on.