Make it where every one payes taxes even the top income,not just the low income.
Evangelicals are now increasingly likely to be college graduates and in the top income brackets.
The wealthy would see the top income tax rates reduced to 33 percent from 36 percent and 39.6 percent.
Three times in this century the United States has significantly reduced the top marginal income tax rates.
Some believe that during his presidential tenure, the top federal income tax rates were lowered from 70% to 28%.
They're happy for Britain to be a at the bottom of the income scale with rich rewards for those on top income.
This reporting change appeared to boost top quintile income, when in fact their incomes had not changed.
Because its top income tax rate is 2.8 percent.
The new plan reduces the top personal income and corporate tax rate to only 15 percent.
Many experts say we should tackle complexity where it is most obvious - the top income brackets.