Several top manufacturers, including Compaq, will introduce two lines of home computers, one in late summer and the other in early fall.
The country's top manufacturer of audio products said worldwide sales were down 14 percent at 510 billion yen.
Giant drug mergers are not a new phenomenon - most of the top current manufacturers were created that way.
There are several top manufacturers' heat generators to choose from, to suit different sized homes.
"For the last four years we have been the top domestic manufacturer in consumer satisfaction surveys," he said.
The Hanes company emerged from this boom and quickly established itself as a top manufacturer of union suits, which were common until the 1930s.
The United States remains the world's top manufacturer in terms of the value of goods produced.
They became the top manufacturers and purveyors of human torpedoes.
Compare features across a variety of models from top manufacturers with our expert reviews.
Gold "K" guitars used the same hardware as top manufacturers.