The tops of the tallest grasses and weeds protrude from the whiteness, their shapes revealed with peculiar clarity.
The tops of the stakes must not protrude above the top of the form.
Their bright red tops protruded from the white tubes like lipstick.
The top of a thick silver watch, with a Lima construction fob on it, protruded from the watch pocket in his trousers.
Each gun rests within an armored turret, but only the top of the turret protrudes above the main deck.
The top of what they hoped was the door barely protruded over this metallic range.
The top of a cylinder of some kind protruded vertically.
The tops of cathedrals in old San Juan Parangaricutiro still protrude from the volcanic deposits.
Only the very tops of mountains protrude above sea-level and everyone lives in floating cities.
She sank and sank, till only the tops of a few volcanoes protruded, and then the violent action that shook the whole world took place.