Spinning chains ripped high through the schooner's top sails.
White, billowing top sails in this 1949 piece overlap each other.
Men up there, fifty feet from the deck, taking in the top sails!
"Get those top sails in and those masts down," I spoke.
Keep a good lookout for his top sails.
Set the top sails and steer for the channel.
Until only a few hours ago they had her top sails in sight but then the wind strengthened and she pulled away from them.
Africa was an ethereal blue shadow in the west, and outlined against it he picked out the top sails of the Sprite holding her station.
Through the telescope I could see the enemy crew resetting the main top sail, fighting the blue green canvas!
I felt it wise that we did the same, starting with the stun sails and then the top sails.