Rose is a former sales vice president for Credit Suisse and was considered one of their top salespeople.
"The top salespeople - the ones with deep roots in their customers, the ones who maximize their outreach - will do relatively well."
RE/MAX officials argue that their system attracts only top salespeople whose earnings with the franchise average $75,000 a year.
Most large companies are expanding their programs to include lower-ranking executives and, in many cases, middle managers and top salespeople.
By 1980, Margolies was one of the top salespeople at the Jack Lalanne chain of health clubs.
From watching top performing salespeople in action, Neil became convinced that much of the traditional wisdom on how to sell was inadequate and often downright wrong.
Cruise ships have one other advantage, at least from the companies' point of view - their top salespeople have no choice but to participate in the shipboard business sessions.
She worked in Anhui and became one of the companies top salespeople.
Those techniques can be learned, say some top salespeople, who offered the following curriculum guide.
The top salespeople averaged $44,788, and that kind of money is the job's greatest appeal.