She reaches for his hand and grabs it but the handle Romeo was holding had lost its top screws, making him fall off with Laila, after which they raise there heads to each other and say "I love you" in sync.
Mount the pilaster with the top screw only, then proceed to finish installing the second pilaster as you did the first one.
He had seated himself on the floor in front of the panel concealing the alarm systems, his tools in a magic circle around him as he removed first the top left screw from the panel, and then the bottom right, dropping both into his shirt pocket.
If it binds, remove the top screw and one of the side screws and reposition the frame until the panel slides smoothly.
He shut the motor off and took a screwdriver to the top screws of the console.
Near the door was a light switch, and only an expert or the initiated would notice the top screw was missing.
By adjusting the top screw, the downward pressure on the diaphragm can be increased, requiring more pressure in the upper chamber to maintain equilibrium.