You might see it more in the long just because the way the top skaters are seeded.
For the first time this season, the top skaters in the world forced someone to go out and win it.
There were still three top skaters to come, but she could indulge in her cathartic relief.
The nerves of the moment were on the surface for all four of the top skaters.
Several top American skaters expressed the hope the proposal would be defeated.
Hamilton was voted the top skater of the evening.
Inevitably, many top American skaters turn professional at the end of an Olympic season.
List shows the top skaters sorted by points, then goals.
The fee is minimal considering top skaters pay more than $300 just for their boots.
But once again, her scores for technical merit were well below the top skaters, ranging from 4.9 to 5.3.