University of California spent $1,264,704 on lobbying, making it the top spender in the education group for the 2009-2010 fiscal year period.
The top spender on lobbying is Cerberus Capital Management, a hedge fund better known for its private equity investments.
If the additional consumption of top spenders were taxed at a rate of, say, 70 percent, the junior Rover's effective price would jump almost $13,000.
Mr. Weber noted that the top spender in the 2002 Senate elections was Elizabeth Dole, now a freshman Republican senator from North Carolina, whose campaign spent $13.7 million.
Gerry St. Germain is listed as the top spender for expenses in the Canadian Senate spending $378,292 in one year according to a National Post article.
In contrast, the 10 states listed as "top spenders" tested a much higher percentage of their students using the Scholastic Assessment Test.
He paid more than $4 million - making him the top spender - to acquire some of Mr. Nicholson's choicest pieces.
Still, the card companies have replaced Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing as the top spenders on campus.
AIEF trips for U.S. Congressmen occur every two years, becoming "the top spender on Congressional travel" in those years.
Among the other top spenders are Microsoft, the Bell Laboratories of Lucent Technologies, Motorola and Pfizer.