New York is not just the top state but the first to pass the half-hour milestone, with an average door-to-door commuting time of 31.2 minutes.
The maximum possible score was 25; the top state, Vermont, scored 17.
The move affects $3.2 billion of the state's top triple-A rated general obligation debt.
First, contributors of $500 or $1,000 spent an evening at the Seaport with top state and Republican officials.
"He seemed to like the attention," said one top state Republican official who watched the mayor at the news conference.
It said 786,098 of those, including many top state and party leaders, scientists, military leaders and cultural figures, were shot to death.
The graphical rendering of this all-enclosing top state is optional.
"He essentially asked for her to go nuclear by behaving that way," one top state Republican official said.
Five of Idaho's six top state elective jobs are in Republican hands.
In the meantime, top state and national Democratic leaders should not ignore the spreading stain.