They were beaten by the South Pirates 90-80 in 2009 having lost many top swimmers.
Quick said he believed the top swimmers should be tested more regularly.
The race itself held few surprises once the three top swimmers sorted out their spots.
From there, began to consolidate among the top swimmers in Brazil and the world.
"When you have two of the top swimmers in a particular event, it's difficult not to have a little stress."
The minnows are usually top or middle-level swimmers and rarely swim close to the bottom of a tank.
Since the bodysuits were approved for international competition at the beginning of the year, almost all of the world's top swimmers have started wearing them.
Then until 1968, he was involved in sports professionally, coaching top Czech swimmers.
A top American female swimmer was replace for having used another banned substance, believed to be steriods.
As usual, Farida was within the top swimmers who dominated the meet.