Some patrons may be disappointed not to find wines from Paumanok and Lenz, two top wineries, which are not members.
Note that some of the top wineries, such as Cakebread Cellars, require you to make appointments for tastings.
Six leading restaurants and six top wineries have been invited to the event.
Nigl (rhymes with eagle) is widely regarded as one of the top Austrian wineries.
The region's top wineries are spread across a fruit belt that one enters minutes after crossing the bridge into Niagara Falls, Canada.
IF you were asked to name locations of the top wineries in the world, several familiar regions would likely come to mind.
A number of top wineries are still missing, but in general the Comitato seems rather representative of the Italian wine excellence.
And the best are as polished as the fieldstone walls at most of the five top wineries are crude.
In 2011, Adler Fels produced 610,000 cases, and was ranked as the 27th top winery in 2008 by
By that time, the argument was mostly academic for the premium end of the California wine business; the top wineries were all using 100 percent.