Tal also has the second-longest unbeaten run in top-level competition.
The top-level rugby competition begun by those schools all those years ago continues to this day.
And so most American riders are not used to top-level competition, the racing conditions in Europe.
From 1996 to 1999, the team withdrew from top-level competition.
What I do is try to connect the two worlds - snowboarding and top-level competition.
Since retiring from top-level competition, Ang has devoted himself to coaching.
Its title refers to the persistence needed to keep the South Sydney club in the top-level competition.
The Colonials were most successful between the 1930s and 1950s when they regularly played top-level competition.
"That is not something that we would adopt for a top-level national competition," she said.
Sometimes, a second-string player who has not played much in top-level competition is used to play a dead rubber in order to gain experience.