If motivation does not take place in an organization, then employees may not contribute to the other functions (which are usually set by top-level management).
"Ensure that top-level management buys into the project from the outset."
These guys clearly meet the definition of top-level management within the organization.
Dad rose to become a human resources manager advising top-level technical management.
He finally raised $13 million, and began hiring top-level management.
Achieving sustained quality improvement requires commitment from the entire organization, particularly from top-level management.
It is aimed at all the members of top-level management who provide strategic leadership and direction in running any business or organisation.
In addition, the document refers to a 1975 report that was to be "destroyed immediately after all top-level management" had reviewed it.
Wanting to find his way into top-level management, Harvey took control of struggling Barrow.
This would make sense especially if employees, and not only top-level management, are to be given stock purchase rights.