Copts are also excluded from much of the country's political life, including senior Government jobs, and from most top-level academic positions.
Having said that, I consciously went out and got the best people I could for each of these top-level positions.
An outside consultant had recommended in a report last year that the number of top-level positions be reduced along with spending cuts.
Below the top-level positions, he distributed jobs as patronage.
But your current managers are entrenched, and you can't create additional top-level positions.
In the recent past, capable women have not viewed top-level districtwide positions as realistically achievable.
In addition, he offered many top-level positions, including that of minister of justice, to Tamil civil servants.
The Lebanese-Armenians also have their quota in top-level public positions.
Some women chose top-level positions and then found them "too soul-corroding."
A lot of men can handle the pressures of a top-level position and go home every night and water the petunias.