In relation to restaurants, the notion of omotenashi also demands the consistent use of top-quality ingredients, prepared with skill and integrity.
The food is mostly typically Shang hainese, with the accent on the superb flavor of the top-quality ingredients.
Yet the top-quality ingredients and high-powered chefs responsible for the restaurants' reputations are also involved in their preparations.
Prices are understandable given top-quality, lagoon-fresh ingredients, and offset by reasonably priced, limited-production wine.
Sometimes top-quality ingredients are dragged down by the jarring condiments along for the ride.
Still, the food is solid, prepared in an unfussy, classic way using just a few top-quality ingredients and letting them shine.
On balance, however, his dishes are fresh, exciting and in every way worthy of the top-quality ingredients he's working with.
But top-quality fresh ingredients and perfect harmony between the salsa and cilantro pesto combine to make the whole more than the sum of its parts.
The secret is top-quality local ingredients, with Meyer lemon delivering tang to tarts and premium butter making that $1 bag of cookies a decadent investment.