The gardens around the building are decorated with topiary animals.
There are also 20 topiary animals, including a camel, a giraffe and a unicorn.
After describing a graceful arc through the morning air the stone descended with a muffled snap into a leafless topiary animal in the garden below.
He would write the hotel's biography, write it straight from the shoulder, and the introduction would be his hallucination that the topiary animals had moved.
There were jolly topiary animals like the ones at Disney World, horseshoe pits, a softball diamond, and lots of picnic tables.
Visiting her studio will also afford a view of her garden's topiary animals.
He's standing next to one of the topiary animals a long time ago at his father's estate in Connecticut and there's something the matter with his eyes.
An image of nine Botticelli women dancing amid topiary animals and fairy-lit trees is sure to enchant.
In the midst of the waves of lush color stood small topiary animals.
Apparitions take form, and the garden's topiary animals come to life.