Doctors sometimes apply a topical drug called Levulan before using the pulsed light to make the skin more sensitive for a more dramatic effect.
Rogaine (minoxidil): This topical drug is already used as a treatment for pattern baldness.
Mequinol used alone and in higher doses is used as a topical drug for medical depigmentation.
Don't put a topical drug up your nose Some frequent travelers report that this simple trick is germ-killing genius.
Isis Pharmaceuticals of Carlsbad is testing a topical drug.
Medications used to treat skin conditions include topical and oral drugs.
Evidence for the efficacy and safety of topical herbal drugs in dermatology: part I: anti-inflammatory agents.
Intraocular pressure also varies with a number of other factors such as heart rate, respiration, fluid intake, systemic medication and topical drugs.
Hinokitiol has inhibitory effects on Chlamydia trachomatis and may be clinically useful as a topical drug.
Monobenzone is a compound used as a topical drug for medical depigmentation.