During regular broadcast hours, content consists of DJ shows, news, topical shows, interviews and live performances.
But what made the show topical in 1949 is what makes it stale today: the wartime melodrama and the social polemics.
And I also liked that it felt like a genuine "event" rather than just another topical show the channel are too embarrassed to promote.
It opened at the Queens Museum of Art with no fanfare and none of the aura that can accompany big-name topical shows.
The programs which are presented are recordings from Christian meetings, singing and music, topical shows as well as news programming.
The result is an intensely topical show.
The first live topical show on the BBC for many years.
She put together a video diary of her journey for Nine Network's topical show A Current Affair.
The center's first triennial is that rare case: an instructive, topical show.
New songs and skits were introduced every few months to keep the show topical.