The international Shuttle Radar Topography Mission collected topographic data over nearly 80 percent of Earth's land surfaces.
The scenery itself, an ambitious combination of photographic and topographic data, varies from stunningly lifelike to dark and murky.
Photorealistic land and sea based on real topographic data.
Additionally, topographic and spectroscopic data can be recorded simultaneously.
To acquire topographic (elevation) data, the SRTM payload was outfitted with two radar antennas.
The "Topo data base", bases of topographic data digitized, covers from now on the whole France and include nearly two million toponyms .
This is the topographic data gathered by our long-range scans.
The mosaicing process is fully automated and is based on the topographic data (DTM) and radiometric analysis of the area.
The Survey has provided orthoimagery and digital topographic data derived from lidar through the PAMAP program.
These data include air photos, topographic data & remotely sensed images among others.