Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau (15 July 1777 - 20 December 1858) joined the French army in 1800 and soon became a topographic engineer.
When war with Mexico seemed likely, topographic engineers were sent to the border to assist the army's preparations.
Raynolds returned to Washington at the outbreak of the war, and was made chief topographic engineer of the Department of Virginia in July, 1861.
Major James Warren Bagley (October 31, 1881 - February 19, 1947) was an American aerial photographer, topographic engineer and inventor.
Study of these photographs enabled topographic engineers to overprint the site of enemy trenches and gun emplacements on existing base maps.
The Army Geospatial Center has mounted a number of plaques commeorating famous topographic engineers.
Not even Dan Donovan, topographic engineer and urban planner in the borough president's office, has definitive answers about the locations of Bronx neighborhoods.
After his Corps service, Haupt worked as a topographic engineer at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
William Graff, supervising topographic engineer of the New Jersey Geological Survey, talked about the markers.
During the Second Seminole War, he was a civilian topographic engineer aboard a ship led by William Pope McArthur.