This resulted in the outstanding capability of using and manipulating topographical data to develop wide range of applications including Geographic Information System.
In the research, the team developed a computer program to identify valleys by searching for U-shaped structures in topographical data.
When Mullan's Road was complete, Sohon accompanied him to Washington, DC, to assist in the preparation of topographical data, maps, and illustrations for a report on the road's construction.
The data in its original form is 1 minute topographical data for the entire globe.
The model functions by taking into account a storm's pressure, size, forward speed, forecast track, wind speeds, and topographical data.
The combination of the conductive tip and illumination laser provides photocurrent images with vertical resolutions in the range of 0 to 10 pA when overlaid with the topographical data obtained.
It is necessary to also incorporate social, hydrological and topographical data when designing irrigation infrastructure to avoid technical problems during implementation.
He knew better than Marchi how to make use of ancient topographical data and all the resources of learning.
The watershed topographical data, hydrological records, and geological structure for the area are analyzed in order to determine the most effective location for the flood detention dam(s).
"All right, let's take a close look at what topographical data we've collected. "