It is closely related to topological quantum field theory in dimension 2+1.
They have been shown to be related to topological quantum field theory in 1 + 1 dimensions.
His recent research has centered around issues of mass inhomogeneties and topological quantum field theories.
The Chern-Simons term can also be added to models which aren't topological quantum field theories.
Quantum computers can also efficiently simulate topological quantum field theories.
This might not be strictly topological quantum field theory at that time because Hilbert spaces are infinite dimensional.
(This is closely related to the notion of a topological quantum field theory.)
In recent times, interest has been renewed in Frobenius algebras due to connections to topological quantum field theory.
Recently, it has been seen that they play an important role in the algebraic treatment and axiomatic foundation of topological quantum field theory.
He was also a pioneer of elliptic cohomology, which is related to his interest in topological quantum field theory.