What is one tormented man compared to the calming of a storm?
A tormented man, Corbett concluded, struggling to break free from his own powerful emotions.
He's a tormented man, and, I used that against him.
The tormented man showed no sign of pain, his anguish was already pastbearing.
Denker had the look about him of a tormented man, didn't he?
The statue, however, is not of the brooding, tormented man who lived from 1888 to 1953 and has been called America's greatest playwright.
One immediately knew that here was a tormented and doomed young man.
Wouldn't a man so tormented have cause to hate his tormentors ?
How I suffered for him, poor tormented man!
Lyle's testimony portrayed two tormented young men who feared for their lives after years of physical and emotional abuse.