For a moment Paul thought it was more blood from her torn lip and then he saw the seeds in it.
Lou grinned, and winced with pain from his torn lip.
And there were the same neck cuts, the same torn lips.
His gaze flicked to the man; and there were the same neck cuts, the same torn lips.
Not until she had been sitting there for several minutes did Isabel realise that no sound at all had come from her torn and bleeding lips.
He opened his eyes and gave me a small, one-sided smile, trying not to stretch his torn lip.
Her eyes flickered to the dark shadow behind Bolan, and she licked her torn lip again.
"Don't hurt me, Owen," said the dead woman, her torn black lips trying to keep up with the words.
Urlgen curled his torn lip, welcoming the information.
She drew a long inhale, feeling the air burn her torn lips.