The torn wing was screaming on the tyre again and if it burned through the wall we'd have a blow-out.
The torn wing was flexing and twisting, she could see the wrinkles appearing in the smooth metal skin.
He craned his head about on his marvelously supple neck to eye his torn wing, from which blood still dripped.
He continued until the Eyrien stranger spread his torn wings and tried to fly.
At first, Raziel can jump, glide using his torn wings, move blocks, and pick up and throw objects and enemies.
This time the torn wing threaded the rotor assembly like a plank of wood going into the hungry maw of a circular saw.
A torn wing, or sometimes the skin pulls away from the frame.
Do you think we will harm you, we who can heal the torn wing of a brave explorer?
Sections of torn wing and chunks of fuselage littered the seabed.
Slowly, like a drunk recovering from her first hangover, Mist reared up her head, flexing the damaged leg and torn wing.