It also boasts an integral retarder, longer operational intervals between oil changes, higher torque capacity, and "Dynamic, topography-dependent drive program selection" among others.
This design ensures greater longevity and torque capacity.
Rotary hydraulic powerheads with torque capacities ranging from 5,000Nm to 200,000Nm are custom fitted using various boom configurations.
Owners have found that while the bearings' lifespan might be similar to that of the M40, the torque capacity is in the order of double.
This made production easier and cheaper but effectively limited torque capacity to 200 lb.
A new single-piece counter shaft also contributes to the greater torque capacity and durability enhancements.
The pull-type 230mm single plate clutch has increased torque capacity thanks to an 830 kg clamping load pressure plate.
The teeth mesh around a ring, as the torque capacity of teeth increases with their diameter.
The centre of a shaft is not toothed, as this would add little torque capacity to the coupling and the increasingly narrow teeth would become impractical to cut.
To solve the problem, engineers studied the clutch's torque capacity.